Inji Shin
Organic Chemistry
Journal Papers
◾ A deconstruction-reconstruction strategy to access 1-naphthol derivatives: application to the synthesis of aristolactam scaffolds, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol.21 No.44 pp.8936~8941, 2023신인지
◾ Synthesis of 2,5-difunctionalized pyridines via sequential chemoselective amination and Suzuki-Miyaura reactions, TETRAHEDRON, vol.141 pp.133468~, 2023신인지
◾ Recent progress and perspectives in photo-induced organic reactions of acylsilanes, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, vol.10 No.3 pp.819~836, 2023신인지
◾ Regioselective Ortho-Arylation of Polyhalo-Substituted (Hetero)Aryl Tosylates Using an Integrated Continuous Flow/Batch Protocol, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, vol.365 No.2 pp.263~268, 2023신인지
◾ Reversed-Polarity Synthesis ofN-Sulfonyl Ketimines withImidoylsilanes and Diaryliodonium Salts via Palladium-CatalyzedReactions, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol.87 No.10 pp.6552~6561, 2022신인지
◾ 1,4-Azaborines: Origin, Modern Synthesis, and Applications as Optoelectronic Materials, Synthesis, vol.54 No.03 pp.570~588, 2022신인지
◾ Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel and 304 Stainless Steel in 1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Tea Tree Extract and Its Main Constituents, Materials, vol.14 pp.5016~, 2021신인지
◾ Recent Advances in One-Pot Modular Synthesis of 2-Quinolones, Molecules, vol.25 No.22, 2020신인지
◾ Development and structure-activity relationship study of SHP2 inhibitor containing 3,4,6-trihydroxy-5-oxo-5H-benzo[7]annulene, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol.30 No.1, 2020신인지
Conference Papers
◾ Min-Jung Lee, Jaehoon Lee, Inji Shin, Won-SuK Kim, Copper-Catalyzed Chan-Lam Coupling for N-Alkenylcarbamates: Mechanistic Investigation and DFT Analysis, 2024 KCS 134th General Meeting & Exhibition, 대구 컨벤션센터, 2024신인지
◾ Hee Nam Lim, Inji Shin, Serin Hong, Development of based-promoted synthesis of isocoumarin derivatives and their synthetic applications, Korean Chemical Society Poster Presentation, 수원 컨벤션센터, 2024신인지
◾ Jaehoon Lee, Inji Shin, Synthesis of benzophenone derivatives using acylsilanes via palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions, Korean Chemical Society Poster Presentation, 수원 컨벤션센터, 2024신인지
◾ Jaewon Lee, Inji Shin, Synthesis of α-aminoketone via Photo-Mediated Reactions between Acylsilanes and Imines, Korean Chemical Society Poster Presentation, 수원 컨벤션센터, 2024신인지
◾ Serin Hong, Hee Nam Lim, Inji Shin, Synthesis of Functionalized Isocoumarin Derivatives via Base-promoted Dimerization of 2-(Cyanomethyl)benzoyl Fluorides, Korean Chemical Society poster presentation, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2023신인지
◾ Jaehoon Lee, Hyeonbeom Kim, Jaewon Lee, Inji Shin, Synthesis of Diarylketones via Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions between Acylsilanes and Diaryliodonium Salts, Korean Chemical Society Poster Presentation, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2023신인지
◾ Jeong Min Bak, Inji Shin, Hee Nam Lim, Progress Toward the Total Synthesis of Aristolactams CII and DII, 대한화학회 제131회 학술발표회, 수원 컨벤션센터, 2023신인지
◾ Moonyeong Song, Jeong Min Bak, Hee Nam Lim, Inji Shin, Synthesis of Functionalized Naphthalene Derivatives from Acyl Fluorides and 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds, 130th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2022신인지
◾ Jeong Min Bak, Moonyeong Song, Inji Shin, Hee Nam Lim, Studies for Total Synthesis of Aristolactams CII and DII, 130th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2022신인지
◾ Yong-Ju Kwon, Inji Shin, Won-SuK Kim, Pd-Catalyzed Ortho Arylation of (Hetero) Aryl Tosylates, 129th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2022신인지
◾ Seungmi Lee, Inji Shin, Reversed-Polarity Synthesis of Diarylketimines via Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions, KOREAN SOCIETY OF ORGANIC SYNTHESIS Poster Presenation, 서울더케이호텔, 2021신인지
◾ Seungmi Lee, Inji Shin, Synthesis of Imines and Ketones via Palladium Catalyzed Reverse-Polarity Chemistry, Korean Chemical Society Poster presentation, 부산 벡스코, 2021신인지
◾ Seungmi Lee, Inji Shin, Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction by the use of reverse polarity of silyl ketimines, Korean Chemical Society Poster presentation, Online meeting, 2020신인지
◾ 조승진, 김보희, 신인지, Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions of Imine Anion Equivalent of Silyl-Ketimines, 124th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, 창원 컨벤션센터, 2019신인지
◾ 김보희, 조승진, 손정훈, 고범석, 신인지, Development and structure-activity relationship study of SHP2 inhibitors, 124회 대한화회학 학술발표회 Midicinal Chemistry Poster Presenation, 창원 컨벤션센터, 2019신인지
◾ 콜라겐 합성 촉진 및 활성산소 억제 효과를 가지는 화장료 조성물, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2020신인지
◾ 2023년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2023.01.~2023.12.신인지
◾ Asiatic acid 유도체 개발 및 합성 연구, 여명바이오켐 주식회사, 2022.11.~2023.03.신인지
◾ 탄소-실리콘 결합 활성화를 통한 아민, 이민, 헤테로고리 화합물의 합성법 연구, 한국연구재단, 2022.03.~2023.02.신인지
◾ 2022년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2022.01.~2022.12.신인지
◾ 비타민C 유도체 개발, 여명바이오켐(주), 2020.07.~2020.12.신인지
◾ 마리골드 추출물을 이용한 비누화 반응에서 루테인의 메소지아잔틴으로의 이성질화 되는 반응의 연관성 검토, 대한켐텍주식회사, 2020.03.~2020.06.신인지
◾ 전이금속촉매를 이용한 연속적 Si-Si/C-Si 결합 활성화 반응 연구, 한국연구재단, 2019.03.~2022.02.신인지
◾ 2020학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 2020학년도 교육분야 우수교원 포상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2021신인지