1학년 게시글 확인
제목 Mobile Phone 에 의한 사고 사례_U must read this article 날짜 2011-11-22 조회수 1967
작성자 관리자

Can ELECTRICITY pass through the flash light of the digital camera to your body??? Yes, and this is 100% true. This is a true incident reported of a boy aged 19, who was studying 1st year engineering. He died in Keshvani Hospital , Mumbai. He was admitted in the Hospital as a burned patient. Reason?This boy had gone to Amravati (a place located in State of Maharashtra ) on a study tour. On their return, they were waiting at the railway station to catch the train. Many of them started taking pictures of their friends using their mobile phones and /or digital cameras. One of them complained that he was unable to capture the full group of friends in one frame in his digital camera. So, this boy moved further away to a distance to get the whole group. He failed to notice that at an angle above his head, 40,000 volts electrical line was passing through.As soon as he clicked the digital camera, 40,000 volt current passed through the camera flash light to his camera and then from his camera to his fingers and to his body. All this happened within a fraction of a second. His body was half-burnt. They arranged for an ambulance and his burnt body was brought to Keshavani Hospital , Mumbai. For one and a half days or so, he was conscious and talking. Doctors did not have much hopes as there was a lot of complex issues in his body. He passed away later. Now how many of us are aware about these technical threats and dangers? Even if we are, how many of us are adhering... Now should we label ourselves as educated and knowledgeable people?
* Please avoid mobile phones on petrol outlets. * Please avoid talking on mobile phones while driving. * Please avoid talking on mobile phones while kept in charging mode without disconnecting from wall socket. * Please do not keep mobile phones on your bed-side while charging, and on wooden furniture. * Avoid using mobile phones / digital cameras near high voltage electrical lines, e.g. in railway stations, and avoid using flash.You could create a safety awareness among people whom you care by sharing this information...... if u care. 


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